2023年5月雅思口语新题part1:Days off答案 视讯
2023年5月雅思口语新题part1:Days off答案
Part 1
Days off
1 Do you usually spend your days off with parents or friends?
I usually spend my days off on my own a lot of the time. Maybe that sounds anti-social, but I live alone in a flat in Beijing, and one of my favourite things is to spend a weekend on my own watching TV series, reading and perhaps doing a bit of shopping. So, generally I don"t really spend time with family or friends.
2 What do you often do on your days off?
On my days off I usually do things at a fairly relaxing pace, unless I have any important things to do. I shop, I read, I watch TV, I take a coffee in a local mall. Stuff like this.
3 When was the last time you had a few days off?
Last month I had some days off. I learned to bake cakes, I watched an entire TV series (I"m a huge fan of detective TV series and crime thrillers), and I did some yoga.
4 What would you like to do if you had a day off tomorrow?
Tomorrow… I would stay at home, clean my house – it"s a real mess at the moment – and sit on the sofa and watch a film and eat snacks. That"s exactly what I feel like doing right now.
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